Тема по английскому языку russia. Рассказ про россию на английском языке

Написать рассказ про Россию на английском языке частое задание для школьников и студентов. Я подготовила пример сочинения о стране с переводом на русский язык, а так же словарик и советы и примеры по улучшению сочинения.

Эссе на английском, равно как и на русском, коротко и точно раскрывают заданную тему. В них нет какой-то «воды» и заумных выражений ни о чем. Все описано четко и лаконично. Поэтому такие рассказы читать и легко и просто.

Ниже будет приведен рассказ про Россию на английском языке с переводом на русский язык, но для начала давайте разберёмся со словарным запасом.

Словарик для сочинения про Россию на английском языке

Vast — огромный
To vary — меняться, варьироваться
The largest country – самая большая страна
Densely peopled — густо населённый
Population — население
Deposits — месторождения

Рассказать про Россию можно с разных точек зрения. Мы не будет описывать герб и флаг, а построим сочинение на идее рассказать, какая большая страна — Россия, и чем она богата.

Если вам нужно сочинение для 5-7 классов, используйте простые недлинные предложения, как в примере ниже.

Если вам нужно эссе более высокого уровня, соедините небольшие предложения между собой с или , например:

Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. More than 10 million people live and work in Moscow.

Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation; furthermore about 10 million people live and work in Moscow.

Рассказ про Россию на английском языке

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territory of Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.

Россия — это крупнейшая страна в мире. Большая часть территории России лежит в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. Россия омывается 12-ю морями и тремя океанами.

Moscow is the capital of Russian Federation. About 10 million people live and work in Moscow.

Москва — столица России. Около 10 миллионов человек живут и работают в Москве.

The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain are the Urals, the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory. Also there are many animals in Russia.

Территория России очень разнится — от лесов до пустынь, от высоких гор до глубоких долин. Главные горы — это Уральские, Кавказские и Алтайские. На ее территории очень много больших рек и глубоких рек. Также в России очень много животных.

The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena in Asia. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal. Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on earth.

Самые длинные реки — это Волга (в Европе) и Обь, Енисей и Лена в Азии. Крупнейшее озеро — это Ладога и Байкал. Байкал — самое глубокое озеро в мире, его воды — самые чистые на земле.

The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. It has huge deposits of oil, gas, iron, gold, silver and many others.

Российская федерация — богатейшая натуральными и минеральными ресурсами. Она имеет большие залежи нефти, газа, железа, золота, серебра и многих других.

The European part of the country is densely peopled, and most population lives in cities. The current population of Russia is more than 145 million people.

Европейская часть более заселена людьми и основная численность наблюдается в городах. Текущая численность населения России — более 145 миллионов человек.

Russia is a presidential republic. It is one of the leading powers in the world.

Россия — президентская республика. Она — один из лидеров на мировой арене.

Russia is unique country. Our country is well known around the world with its enormous territory, various and beautiful landscapes. In addition we have great history and cultural heritage. From generation to generation stories of great event and personalities are told. So thinking of native land we think about modern and former heroes: artists, musicians, writers and poets. I love my Russia and I proud with its endless fields, fertile forests, seas, rivers, lakes, cities and villages.

I could never leave my country. I was born here, same raised here so it became part of my life. I’m very glad to live in peaceful time. It is the opportunity to visit great school to get education, do my favorite things and stay close to my family and friends. Because homeland is not only land it’s also people that surround us in daily life. It’s bigger than one can imagine.

Deep knowledge about my country is my priority. I know it takes lots of efforts and there will be many difficulties but I’m confident about myself. As they say man is happy knowing his destination, where his should follow and how make his dreams into real. I will decorate my life with dreams having bright future ahead. And I’m really glad to live in Russia.

Моя Россия (перевод текста)

Россия - уникальная страна. Наша страна известна всему миру своими необъятными территориями, разнообразными и превосходными пейзажами. Вдобавок к ним мы имеем великую историю и культурное наследие. Из поколения в поколение передаются истории о грандиозных событиях и личностях. Поэтому думая о родине, мы думаем о великих людях: художниках, композиторах, писателях и поэтах. Я люблю свою Россию и горжусь её бескрайними полями, пышными лесами, морями, реками, озёрами, городами и сёлами.

Я не смогу оставить свою страну. Я родился здесь, здесь рос, так что она теперь часть моей жизни. Очень хорошо жить в мирное время. Только так я могу ходить в чудесную школу и получать образование, заниматься любимыми делами и быть рядом с семьёй и друзьями. Потому что родина - это не только земля, это ещё и люди, которые нас окружают. Она больше чем можно подумать.

Я нацелен на обретение глубоких знаний о свое стране. Для этого понадобится много усилий, а на пути будут встречаться сложности, но я уверен в себе. Как говорят, счастлив тот, кто знает сою цель, понимает свой путь и видит способы воплощения мечтаний. Поэтому я украшу свою жизнь мечтами о светлом будущем. Всё-таки я очень рад тому, что живу в России.


Tourism provides one of the possibilities to know more about other countries. Now people travel much more than they ever used to. Many people travel in their own country and millions of them travel abroad.

Russia, the largest country in the world, has always attracted visitors from neighbouring and distant countries. Russia is proud of its architecture, painting, and music. A lot of tourists come to our country to see its beauty and to admire its cultural achievements. As a rule they want to visit Moscow, St. Petersburg and the towns of the "Golden Ring".

Russia is located in the eastern part of Europe and in the northern part of Asia. It boarders on thirteen countries. Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. Russia is connected with the Atlantic Ocean through the Baltic Sea in the west and the Black Sea in the south. The Arctic Ocean and its seas including the White, Barents, Kara, Laptev, East-Siberian Seas wash Russia in the north. The Pacific Ocean and its seas the Bering, Okhotsk, and Japanese Seas are in the east of Russia.

The Russian Plain, the Ural Mountains, the West Siberian Plain, the Central Siberian Plateau, and the Far East are the main areas of Russia The Russian Plain occupies the European part of Russia. The Ural Mountains separate Europe from Asia. The West Siberian Plain links with the Central Siberian Plateau. The Far East of Russia comprises the Kamchatka and Chukchi peninsulas and the Kuril and Sakhalin islands.

Russia"s greatest rivers are the Don and Volga in its European part, and the Ob and Yenisey in West Siberia. The Ob is the longest river in Russia, but the Volga is the most important one. Many Russian towns are located along the Volga river.

Russia is densely populated, but its population is unequally distributed. People prefer to live in the European part of the country. Siberia is thinly inhabited. There are more than sixty nationalities and ethnic groups in Russia. Russia is an urban country - the majority of the Russian citizens live in cities. As Russia occupies vast territories there are various climatic zones in the country. Continental climate, with cold winters and warm summers prevails on the territory of Russia.

Russia is rich in mineral deposits such as coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as of iron ore, copper, zinc, lead, nickel, aluminium, and tin. Natural resources determine the development of the Russian economy. Russia"s heavy industries produce much of the nation"s steel and most of its heavy machinery.

The Russian Federation was founded in 1991. The Constitution was adopted in 1993. Russia is a Presidential Republic. It is headed by the President. The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces, he makes treaties, enforces laws, appoints the Prime Minister, cabinet members, and key judges.

The Russian government consists of three branches: the legislative, the executive and the judicial. The power is distributed in such a way that each branch checks and balances the others. The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of the Federation Council (upper house) and the State Duma (lower house). The members of the State Duma are elected by popular vote for a four-year period. The Federation Council is not elected. It is formed of the heads of the regions. Each Chamber is headed by the Chairman. Legislature is initiated in the State Duma. But to become a law a bill must be approved by the Lower and Upper Houses and signed by the President. The executive power belongs to the Government. The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, and regional courts.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is three coloured: white, blue and red. The symbol of the country is a two-headed eagle. Russia"s hymn was created by Alexandrov and Mikhalkov.

According to the Chronicle the history of Early Russia began in the year 862. That year Rurik became the first Russian prince having merged Novgorod and Kiev. Rurik"s successor Prince Oleg did his best to strengthen and expand the nascent state. In 988 Prince Vladimir, the Red Sun, baptised Russia. After the adoption of Christianity churches and monasteries sprang up in the country. The beautiful cathedrals and churches of Early Russia still stand in their glory. From the 10-th to the 12-th centuries Russia was a progressive Christian state. With the development of feudalism the Russian state disintegrated into separate principalities. The princes quarrelled among themselves and waged feudal wars. The hordes of armed nomads conquered the Russian land. The yoke lasted till 1380. Russia"s strength was diminishing. Lands on the Black sea coast and along the Volga river were lost. The campaign to liberate Russia was headed by Moscow. For the first time Moscow was mentioned by the chroniclers in 1147. At that time Russian lands began to unite round Moscow, which led to the establishment of a strong centralised state.

During its long history Moscow was exposed to several invasions. In 1237 it fell under the power of the Golden Horde. Moscow began to rise in the 14-th century. Under Ivan III the Great, in the mid-fifteenth century, Moscow became the principal city of the state of Muscovy. During the Time of Troubles Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders but they were defeated by the popular levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky. The army of Napoleon entered Moscow on September 15, 1812. The emperor was disappointed that no Russian bowed forward, offering him the city keys. Napoleon settled in the Kremlin. The city was set ablaze. Fires spread to the edge of the Kremlin. Napoleon tried to open peace talks. But Alexander I, who was in St. Petersburg, did not wish to discuss peace. Napoleon left Moscow. His warriors were routed by the Russian troops. In 1941 the German armies were defeated not far from Moscow.

Nowadays Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is the largest city of the country. Moscow lies in the valley of the Moskva river. Moscow is a political, administrative, economic, industrial, educational and cultural centre of the Russian Federation. A lot of educational institutions are located here.

There are many places of interest in Moscow. There are a lot of historical monuments, museums, art galleries and theatres in the city. The Historical Museum, the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, the State Tretyakov Gallery are known all over the world. The Bolshoy, Mali and Art theatres are famous too.

The Kremlin - the oldest historical and architectural centre - is the heart of Moscow. At first the Kremlin was a wooden fort. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. Redbrick walls and towers replaced the walls of white stone at the end of the 15th century. The most ancient tower is the Secret one. It was built in 1485. The Saviour Tower with its Kremlin chimes is the symbol of Russia. The chiming clock was established in 1625. Ivan III invited Italian architects to construct the Kremlin cathedrals. In 1547 Ivan the Terrible was the first Russian tsar to be crowned in the five-domed Assumption Cathedral. From 1721 the coronations of all Russian Emperors were held there. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tsars. Grand Prince Ivan Kalita was the first to be buried here. Altogether there are 53 royal tombs there. The Annunciation Cathedral is the main Russian Cathedral. It is famous for the icons created by Andrew Rublev and his apprentices. Not far from the Assumption Cathedral we can see the Faceted Palace. It is the oldest secular building in Moscow. All coronation feasts were held here. Ivan the Great Bell Tower, the construction of the 16th century, rises in the centre of the Kremlin. On the stone pedestal at the foot of the Bell Tower stands the Tsar-Bell, the largest bell in the world. The bell was cast for the Assumption Belfry. It was damaged during the great fire of Moscow in 1737. In 1836 it was put on the pedestal. Not far from it is the Tsar-Cannon. Senate Square is located between the Senate and the Arsenal. The Grand Kremlin Palace is situated not far from Senate Square. The Russian Emperors usually stayed in the palace when they came to Moscow. It was designed by the architect K. A. Ton in 1840. The Armoury Chamber is the famous museum where military trophies, Tsar"s regalia and church ceremonial items are displayed. The Kremlin workshop was made a museum of military glory after the battle of Poltava in 1709 by Peter Гs order.

All the ceremonies are held in Red Square. At its one end we can see St. Basil"s Cathedral the Blessed. It was built in the mid-16 century for Tsar Ivan IV to commemorate the victory over the Golden Horde. Lobnoye Mesto, a lifted railed platform of white stone, is situated to the left of St. Basil"s Cathedral. Built in the 16-th century it was the place from which all Tsar"s edicts were announced. Lenin"s Mausoleum, designed by A. Shchusev in 1924, is located in Red Square. Until recently it was a monument of great significance. The Historical Museum locks the other end of Red Square. Next to it one can see the reconstructed Iverskay Chapel and the Resurrection gates. Alexander Gardens, laid out at the beginning of the 19-th century, are located beneath the Kremlin walls. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is near the entrance to the Gardens. It is the major memorial to the warriors of the Great Patriotic War.

St. Petersburg is the second Russia"s largest city. St. Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities of Europe, has played an important role in Russian history. It was founded by Peter I in 1703. St. Petersburg is situated on the Neva river. The city once spread across nearly 100 islands. Canals and natural channels make St. Petersburg a city of waterways and bridges. For two centuries St. Petersburg was the capital of the Russian Empire. After the revolutions of 1917, which took place in St. Petersburg it was renamed into Leningrad. During World War II the city was besieged and fiercely defended. Today the city is an important industrial centre and the nation"s largest seaport. In 1991 St. Petersburg got its original name back.

Central St. Petersburg is divided by the Neva River into four parts: the Admiralty Side, Vasilyevsky Island, the Petrograd Side, and the Vyborg Side. The Admiralty Side is rich in museums, monuments, historical buildings and squares. From the Admiralty, the heart of Peter"s city, an avenue known as Nevsky Prospect runs eastward. There are a lot of palaces, churches, stores, cafes, and theatres there.

St. Petersburg is proud of its rich architecture that includes the cathedral of the Peter-Paul Fortress, the Summer Palace, the Winter Palace, the Smolny Convent, the Kazan and St. Isaac"s cathedrals, the Smolny Institute, the new Admiralty, and the Senate. There are many important educational and scientific research centres in St. Petersburg. Among these are: the University of Saint Petersburg, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Institute of Mines, and the Military Medical Academy.

St. Petersburg is a city of culture. There are a lot of theatres and concert halls there. The Mariinsky Theatre has long enjoyed an international reputation. Famous museums include the State Russian Museum, which specialises in Russian painting, and the Hermitage with a rich collection of western European painting. In 1764 the Hermitage was established by Catherine II. It was opened to the public in 1852. In St. Petersburg there are many stadiums and other outdoor recreation facilities provided by the Kirov Park, the Zoo, the botanical gardens, and numerous other parks and gardens.

The "Golden Ring" is a very popular tourist route. It includes towns and villages in the north-eastern part of the former State of Muscovy. It is rich in historical and architectural monuments. Among the most notable towns of the "Golden Ring" route are Pereslavl-Zalessky, the birthplace of the Russian Prince Alexander Nevsky; Rostov Veliky, the finest and largest town of Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky"s principality; Borisoglebsky, the Fortress-Monastery, founded for the protection of the travellers; Uglich, the tragic stage of Tsarevich Dmitry death; Kostroma, known for its elaborate churches and cathedrals; Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, and others. All these towns played a very important role in the making of the state of Russia.

The history of Vladimir dates back to the year 1108 when it was founded by Vladimir Monomakh. Prince Andrew Bogolyubsky moved his capital from Kiev to Vladimir in 1157. In 1160 he invited craftsmen to build the Assumption Cathedral. By the 15-th century the city declined. Now Vladimir is famous for its architecture of early Russia.

Suzdal was the capital city of Yury Dolgoruky"s Rostov-Suzdal Principality. After the fall of Kiev Suzdal became a religious, political and economic centre of medieval Russia. Many of its monasteries and convents are associated with the banished princes and nobility. Numerous churches and monasteries were built in Suzdal during the reign of Andrew Bogolyubsky. In the 13-th and 14-th centuries Suzdal-Vladimir principality disintegrated.

I am sure that everything that our foreign guests will see in Russia they will never be able to forget.

How long are the Urals?

The Urals stretch for about 2,100 km from north to south.

What is the highest peak of the Ural Mountains?

The highest peak, Mount Narodnaya, reaches 1,895 m, and other maintain tops range from 900 to 1,500 m.

Is Moscow your native city?

Yes, it is. I was born in Moscow.

Have you recently visited any museums or theatres?

Recently I have been to the State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts to enjoy the Impressionists" works of art and the Picasso. As for the theatre, the performance that impressed me greatly was "Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich" at the Mali Theatre. This classical play was wonderfully performed.

What monuments would you recommend your foreign guests to see?

- ~ First of all they should visit Red Square. There they will see the monuments connected with the history of Russia. In Red Square they will see a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was erected in 1818 to commemorate their victory over the Polish invaders in 1612. In front of the Historical museum they will see a monument to Marshal Zhukov. Under his leadership the Soviet Union won World War II. The monument was erected in May 1995 to mark the 50th anniversary of the victory over Fascist Germany. Then walking up Tverskaya Street their attention can be attracted by the monument to Yury Dolgoruky, the founder of Moscow. In Pushkin Square they will see the monument to Alexander Pushkin, the great Russian poet. In Mayakovskaya Square there is a monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky, the Russian poet of the 20-th century. If our guests want to see the dismantled monuments to the political leaders of the previous epoch I shall take them to the square attached to the Central House of Painters.

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Россия — самая большая страна мира. Согласно Википедии её площадь составляет 17 125 191 кв. километров. Площадь России приблизительно равна площади поверхности планеты Плутон. И это далеко не все впечатляющие факты об этой стране.

Essay on Russia

It’s believed that the place where we were born is significantly important for us. First of all, we are greatly influenced by people around us and we are formed by moral and cultural values existing in a particular country. Moreover, we reflect the history of our nation and experience gained through the centuries. So, I can say that “motherland” is not only the word, but it’s in fact who we are.
As for me, I was born in Russia and I’m absolutely convinced that it’s the best place for living. To start with, Russia is the largest country in the world. It is famous for its natural sources such as oil and gas as well as its cultural inheritance for the reason that Russian music, art and literature are well-known all over the world. Thus, the masterpieces of Pushkin, Chekhov, Repin, Malevich and Tchaikovsky have charmed millions of people in different parts of our planet.
However, Russia is also quite a multinational country, though all nations have a common history. In spite of the fact that the country is divided into federal republics and autonomous regions and areas, they are all united by common goals and ideology that leads to peaceful coexistence and productive collaboration of so different parts of our diverse country.
Furthermore, Russian nature dramatically varies too. One can find everything imaginable here. From enormous endless fields and forests with their unique beauty of flowers and trees to fascinating mountains, pure lakes and rivers. Here we can also see one of the symbols of our country, birch. Unity with nature brings us internal balance and energy.
Thus, I can say that I’m really proud of my country, of its history and culture. I like travelling and visiting other countries, understanding other cultures, but there is no such amazing and diverse country as Russia which is so comfortable to live in.

Сочинение на тему Россия

Всем известно, что место, где мы родились, является чрезвычайно важным для нас. Прежде всего, мы подвержены большому влиянию со стороны окружающих нас людей и мы формируемся под влиянием моральных и культурных ценностей той или иной страны. Кроме того, мы отражаем историю нашей нации и опыт достигнутый веками. Так, я могу сказать, что родина, это не просто слово, но и то кем мы на самом деле являемся.
Что касается меня, то я родилась в России и считаю, что это лучшая страна для проживания. Для начала, Россия — самая большая страна в мире. Она известна своими природными ресурсами, такими как нефть и газ, а также своим культурным наследием, так как русская музыка, искусство и литература хорошо известны во всем мире. Так, шедевры Пушкина, Чехова, Репина, Малевича и Чайковского очаровали миллионы людей в разных уголках нашей планеты.
Впрочем, Россия также довольно таки многонациональная страна, хотя все национальности имеют общую историю. Не смотря на тот факт, что страна разделена на федеральные республики и автономные регионы и края, все они объединены общими целями и идеологией, что ведет к мирному сосуществованию и продуктивному сотрудничеству таких разных частей нашей разнообразной страны.
К тому же, природа России отличается большим разнообразием. Здесь можно найти все, что только возможно представить. От огромных, бесконечных полей и лесов с их уникальной красотой цветов и деревьев до захватывающих гор, чистых озер и рек. Здесь также можно найти один из символов нашей страны — березу. Единение с природой приносит нам душевное равновесие и энергию.
Итак, я могу сказать, что я действительно горжусь своей страной, ее историей и культурой. Мне нравится путешествовать и посещать другие страны, узнавать другие культуры, но такой удивительной, разнообразной и комфортной для жизни страны, как Россия, нет больше нигде.

Похожие сочинения

Russia (2)

1). Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. 2). It occupies about one seventh part of dry land. 3). The vast territory of Russia lies in the Eastern part of Europe and in the northern part of Asia. 4). Its total area is over 17 million square kilometres.

5). Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans: the Atlantic, the Arctic, the Pacific. 6). The northern and eastern coasts of Russia are washed by the White Sea, the Barents Sea and the Okhotsk Sea.

7). The land of Russia varies a lot from heavy forests to barren deserts, from high peaked mountains to deep valleys. 8). Russia is located on two plains: the Great Russian Plain and the West Siberian Plain. 9). The Urals is the longest mountain chain. 10). It separates Europe from Asia.

11). There are various types of climate on the territory of Russia. 12). In the south the temperature is usually above zero all year round. 13). The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold.

14). Russia is a land of long rivers and deep lakes. 15). The Volga River is the longest river in Europe (3690 km). 16). It runs into the Caspian Sea. which is in reality, the largest lake in the world. 17). The Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.

18). Russia is rich in natural resources. 19). It has deposits of coal, oil, natural gas, iron ore, gold, nickel, etc.

20). Russia borders on fourteen countries, including the former Republics of the USSR, which are now independent states.

21). The population of Russia is about 150 million people.

22). Now Russia (the Russian Federative Republic) is a Presidential Republic. 23). Today the state symbol of Russia is a three coloured banner. 24). It has three horizontal stripes: white, blue and red. 25). The white stripe symbolizes the earth, the blue one stands for the sky, and the red one symbolizes liberty. 26). A new national emblem is a two-headed eagle. 27). It is the most ancient symbol of Russia.

28). Russia has always played an important role in the world. 29). It is one of the leading Powers.

Россия (2)

1). Россия - одна из самых больших стран мира. 2). Она занимает почти 1/7 часть суши. 3). Огромная территория России расположена в восточной части Европы и в северной части Азии. 4). Общая территория страны составляет более 17 млн. квадратных километров. 5). Россия омывается 12 морями и 3 океанами: Атлантическим, Северо-Ледовитым и Тихим. 6). Белое, Баренцево и Охотское моря омывают северное и восточное побережье России.

7). Рельеф страны отличается большим разнообразием: густые леса и бесплодные пустыни, высокие горные хребты и глубокие долины. 8). Россия расположена на 2-х равнинах: Восточно-Европейской равнине и Западно-Сибирской низменности. 9). Уральские горы - самая длинная горная цепь страны. 10). Она отделяет Европу от Азии.

11). Климат отличается в разных частях страны. 12). На юге обычно выше нуля градуса в течение всего года. 13). Климат Сибири резко континентальный: лето жаркое и сухое, зима очень холодная.

14). Россия - страна длинных рек и глубоких озёр. 15). Река Волга - самая длинная река в Европе (3690 км). 16). Она впадает в Каспийское море, которое в свою очередь является самым большим озером в мире. 17). Озеро Байкал - самое глубокое озеро в мире.

18). Россия богата полезными ископаемыми. 19). Она имеет залежи угля, нефти, природного газа, железной руды, золота, никеля и других полезных ископаемых.

20). Россия граничит с 14 странами, включая прежние республики СССР, которые в настоящее время являются независимыми государствами.

21). Население России составляет почти 150 млн. человек.

22). Сегодня Россия (Российская Федеративная Республика) является президентской республикой. 23). Государственный символ России - трёхцветный флаг. 24). У флага три горизонтально расположенные полосы: белая, голубая и красная. 25). Белый цвет символизирует землю, голубой - небо, а красный - свободу. 26). Новый государственный герб представляет собой двуглавого орла. 27). Это один из самых древних символов России.

28). Россия играла и играет важную роль в мире. 29). Она является одной из ведущих держав мира.

1. Where were you born?
2. Where is Russia situated?
3. What kind of climate is there in the country?
4. Is Russia a very rich country? Give your reasons.
5. What countries does the Russian Federation border on?
6. What kind of state is Russia now?
1. Где Вы родились? f,
2. Где расположена Россия?
3. Каков климат страны?
4. Россия - богатая страна? Докажите.
5. Какие страны входят в Российскую Федерацию?
6. Каков государственный строй в России в настоящее время?

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. - На чужой сторонушке рад своей воронушке. Дома и солома съедома.
Home is home though it be never so homely. - Дома и стены помогают. На чужбине родная землица во сне снится.