"Seven defenders of death": What people remember who survived clinical death. What people see at the time of clinical death people who visited clinical death

Clinical death is a condition in which the brain is still alive, but the heart is no longer beating. Typically, this condition does not last more than ten minutes and is considered reversible.

We found four Kazakhstanians who have experienced clinical death, and found out what it looks like.

Anna, 40 years

Clinical death has happened because of the inattention and arrogance of emergency staff. It all started with a miasthenic crisis, which will overtake me at home. Medical staff came quickly, but the intensive care did not want to call, although their relatives warned about my problems with breathing. When I was already attributed to the car, it turned out that the oxygen cylinder is empty. I lost consciousness.

It may sound strange, but it never felt so beautifully - the incredible lightness and calm (the feeling of flight can be caused by ischemia and the development of serotonin - Approx. ed.). I saw the faces attended in the ward, it was not exactly the game of imagination. It was a feeling that I was kept and not allowed to dissolve. When I came to myself, it was upset that again it is necessary to deal with harsh reality. The doctor also announced a solemnly: "You are lucky, the brain did not suffer." My clinical death lasted 15 minutes. Recovery went to resuscitation separation. For weeks, two weeks could sign the paper about what to stay in the medical chamber does not intend.

After clinical death, confidence appeared that man's departure was not the end at all. I realized that it was necessary to learn regardless of age: after leaving the physical body, the mind will fly over the soul - and on your effort now depends on how much filled and the unfortunate man will fly further.

When I came to my senses, it was upset that again I need to deal with harsh reality

Zhibek, 55 years

The first clinical death occurred after severe bronchitis. The sister caused an ambulance when I started ingest. At some point they carelessly raised and blocked completely. I started to shake me, because of the alarm I did not understand anything, I heard only a loud knock of the heart. I remember that in a few minutes the agony fell into a state of bliss - it became easy and free. All pain and fears left. I was saved, but I had to go to walk again.

The second clinical death occurred in a year due to the reaction to the antibiotic. I was on IVL (artificial ventilation of the lungs - Approx. Red.) In resuscitation: on the first day nausea began, stains went through the body. On the second day, the new change of resuscitors still decided to put the same drug. They began to drip, instantly became bad, the paddle went before his eyes, I could no longer disassemble the words of the doctor. She noticed that oxygen through the tube does not go into one light, began to speak a nurse to something. I felt a familiar light of ease. Then it seemed to me that it was all. I looked at the doctor, smiled at her and turned off. I was again pumped out, but this time the whole body was sought. It was removed for almost six months.

After these cases, I changed: no longer building large-scale plans, I try to appreciate life in any manifestation. I loved silence in everything that I see, I realized that you need to live here and now.

Since then, I am accompanied by a terrible thought - I would go back there

Malika, 32 years old

Clinical death provoked a reaction to lidocaine. I was studying bronchoscopy and treated the mucous throat. The result is anaphylactic shock.

Within five minutes, they began to conduct resuscitation events right in the doctor's office. At some point, I just stopped feeling the body, I heard only noisy frequent breathing. Against the background of nurses were heard: "Faster, she leaves." And then silence. At first I saw the light, and then sharp darkness. At the same time, it was the state of bliss, the time of sparkling infinity. Resuscitates managed to save me, after that I had to recover for about two months. About what happened, I chose not to communicate my relatives.

I can not say that life has changed much. But noticed that it became sharper to respond to events, and still writing poetry. From that case, I am accompanied by a terrible thought - it would be there to return, to feel that bliss, peace, silence. I try to drive it and live on.

Zinaida, 75 years

Clinical death occurred in 1997. My mother then died, I suffered a loss hard. In one evening, I even had to call an ambulance. I made a injection of magnesia, I don't remember anything. Only the thought "I do not want to die."

I felt that I was trying to help, make injections, run around. At some point, it was like flew into a tube with a kaleidoscope: yellow, red, green colors, it became very easy. It lasted for a long time. When I woke up, the doctor said that I experienced clinical death .

After this incident began to notice the little things. Nature suddenly acquired a special beauty, people were supposed. I looked differently on my relationship with my husband, we were just on the verge of a divorce. We managed to pick up and ask for forgiveness from each other.

Zhanar Idrisova


Clinical death is the condition of the body, coming after the cessation of cardiac activity and respiration. It lasts from three to five minutes, that is, before the onset of irreversible changes in the highest departments of the central nervous system. This condition is as close as possible to irreversible biological death.

In the emergence of clinical death, as well as other terminal states, hypoxia plays the main role (oxygen starvation of the body). At the same time, severe disorders of metabolism (metabolism), especially fast-growing in the brain, and with the greatest consequences are occurring: the main energy substrate of glucose cells disappears, the reserves of phosphocreatine, glycogen, ATP are exhausted. Gradually accumulates in the brain tissue of spent and toxic substances. In a state of clinical death, the electrical activity of the brain completely disappears.

Clinical death is a reversible stage of dying. In this state, with external signs of death (the absence of heart abbreviations, independent respiration and any neuro-reflex reactions to external influences), the possibility of restoring the vital functions of the body is preserved.

The term "clinical death" entrenched in the official medical lexicon at the turn of 20 and 21 centuries, although it was used in the 19th century. It is used in cases where the patient's heart ceased to beat, which means stopping the blood circulation, supplying the body with oxygen, without which life is impossible.

However, cells have some metabolic margin on which they may not long exister without oxygen enrichment. Bone tissue, for example, a clock can persist, and brain nerve cells die much faster - from 2 to 7 minutes. It is during this time you need to return a person to life. If it succeeds, then in such cases they say that a person survived clinical death.

It is believed that it is in the brain that those amazing experiences are formed, about which people who survived clinical death.

A striking similarity of memories of clinical death

Many are amazed how similar to the memories of people who survived clinical death: they always have light, tunnel, vision. Skeptics are asked questions - are they not fabricated? Mystics and apologists of Paranormal believe that the similarity of the experience of rebeling from the state of clinical death proves the reality of the other world.

Vision generated for moments to clinical death

From the point of view of modern science, these questions have an answer. According to medical models of the functioning of the body, when the heart stopped - the brain freezes, its activity stops. This means that whatever experience has experienced a person, in the very possible clinical death he has no and there can be no sensations, and therefore memories. Consequently, the vision of the tunnel, and the presence of allegedly otherworldly forces, and light - all this is generated to clinical death, literally in a few moments to her.

What determines the similarity of memories in this case? No other as the similarity of our, human organisms. The picture of the onset of clinical death is one of thousands of people: the heart beats worse, oxygen enrichment of the brain does not occur, hypoxia comes. Conditionally speaking, the brain half falls asleep, half hallucins - and each vision can be compared its type of disturbed work.

Clinical death actually

The desired feeling of euphoria, unexpected peace and goodness is not harbing the afterlife of the kingdom, but a consequence of a sharp increase in serotonin concentration. In an ordinary life, this neurotiator regulates a sense of joy. Studies conducted in Germany under the leadership of A. Vutyzler showed that during clinical death, serotonin concentration rises at least three times.

Tunley vision

Many people report that they saw the corridor (or tunnel), as well as the light at the end of the tunnel. Doctors explain this effect of "tunnel vision." The fact is that in ordinary life we \u200b\u200bsee using the eye only a clear color spot in the center, and a muddy black and white periphery. But our brain with infancy can synthesize pictures, creating a holistic field of view. When the brain is experiencing a resource deficit, the signals from the periphery of the retina are not processed, which causes a characteristic vision.

The longer hypoxia, the stronger the brain begins to mix external signals with internal, hallucinuing: believers in these moments see God / Devil, the souls of their deceased close, whereas in people who do not have religious consciousness, the episodes of their lives are superfluid.

Out of body

Before the "trip" from life, the vestibular apparatus of a person ceases to behave in a normal way, and people experience ascension, flying out of the body.

Regarding this phenomenon, there is also such a point of view: many scientists do not consider unnecessary experience as something paranormal. It is experiencing, yes, but it all depends on what consequences we attribute to this. According to the leading specialist of the Institute of Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences Dmitry Spivak, there are little-known statistics, according to which about 33% of all people at least once experienced an endless experience and perceived themselves from the side.

The scientist explored the state of consciousness of women in the process of childbirth: according to his data, each 10-a0 \u200b\u200bman in labor experienced a feeling as if she had seen herself from. From here it is concluded that such an experience is - the result of a psychic program that is in the limit states, built deeply at the level of the psyche. And clinical death is an example of limiting voltage.

People after clinical death - are there any consequences?

One of the most mysterious in clinical death is its consequences. Even if a person managed to "return from the next world," can I confidently say that the same person returned from "the world"? There are many fixed examples of the personality change that occurred with patients - here are 3 stories from the reports on cases of clinical death in the US:

  • tinager Harry returned to life, but did not save traces from the former fun and friendly position. After the incident, he began to show as much anger that even his family began to cope with "this man." As a result, relatives made the place of his permanent residence a separate house for guests to contact him as much as possible. His behavior has become cruel to a dangerous level.
  • the girl of the 3rd years, having lain 5 days in a coma, led himself in a completely unexpected way: he began to demand alcohol, while he never tried him before. In addition, she manifested as Kleptomania and a passion for smoking.
  • married woman Heather H. entered the branch with damage to the skull, as a result of which blood circulation in the brain was disturbed and clinical death came. Despite the severity and vastness of damage, it returned to life, and more than saturated: her desire for sexual contacts was constant and insurmountable. Doctors call it "nymphomania". The result: the husband was divorced, and he satisfied him.

Clinical death relieves blocking social prohibitions?

There are no studies that would give an unambiguous answer about the nature of such changes, but there is a rather realistic hypothesis.

In 1966, an eighteen-year-old American Gary Wood had come to an accident with his sixteen-year-old sister. The car traveled teenagers at high speed crashed into an illegally parked truck.

The girl was finished with bruises and abrasions, but her brother received potentially fatal injuries, including the gust of the larynx and the fracture of most ribs.
When doctors arrived at the place of the catastrophe, the young man was recognized as the dead.
Nevertheless, American Paramedics, following the charter, immediately took the body to the hospital to at least try to reanimate it. The chances were small, however, to universal surprise, Gary managed to save. The young man stayed in a state of clinical death about an hour, which is one of the world records.
According to Wood, for such a long time he managed to visit a striking place, similar to the paradise described in the Bible, and chat there with a higher creature. American remembers this experience in perfectly.
Gary reports that he was alone a few minutes after the accident and experienced an incredibly severe pain. However, then his torment suddenly stopped. The young man immediately realized that he was killed, but did not experience any fear or sadness about it. At the same time, the young man understood the sixth sense that his sister remained unharmed, and it is not worth worrying for her.

Heavenly paradise will be installed on Earth

"It was an amazing feeling," the man says. - As if you returned from a dirty and dusty place, removing my clothes and taking a shower. Only my dirty clothes were crushed into an accident body. I saw Sue. She was fine, but sobbed and called people to help. Then I felt that I would carry me somewhere up.

I broke away from the ground and flew into some kind of gigantic funnel in the sky. And with each second I got everything more pleasant and joyful. Even when it seemed that I could not feel better, I could no longer, the next moment denied these guesses. "
Somewhere at the top, where it was very light, Wood met with a white creature with a height of more than twenty meters. "Surely it was an angel," concludes a man. A fantastic creature informed the American that the world of mortals is waiting for a great recovery that will occur on the entire planet and will return to people the joy of life. Gary does not hide that they still suffer doubts: suddenly it was not an angel, and the Heavenly Father himself?
The creature said easily with Wood, after which he woke up in the hospital surrounded by relatives. After many months of operations and rehabilitation, the American rose to his feet. Then he was engaged in writing the book "Place called Paradise", in which he described the readers in detail about his near-merchant experiences.
Subsequently, he published another book - "Miracles: the divine touch of God to man", in which he no longer described the happened, but reflecting the metaphysical journey and his consequences in his life. He mentions in it and about the upcoming great recovery that mankind or an angel, or the Almighty himself ...

In 2013, the popular forum was asked the question: if you happened to survive clinical death, what do you remember?

The answers got about four thousand. We chose some of the most interesting stories.

1. I had a heart attack right on the field right on the field, and he stayed dead for 15 minutes.

When he was asked what he remembers about death, he replied that he remembers the "utter nothing." He had no amnesia - just, he said, he was in absolute void.

He said it was the most calm moment in his life. Probably, death resembles the film "Start" - when you yourself build the world around yourself.

2. When I was 8 years old, I rode a lawn mower, and got a lace into the engine.

I fell under the lawn mower, which broke my skin, pulling out the thick and small intestine, thoroughly breaking the right light, breaking the spine in two places and destroying the right kidney.

When I came to my senses, I lay on the table, and strangers stood around in white. Needing to them stood my grandmother, which died when I was 3. People revived my heart with the help of small electrodes, and the grandmother calmed me and said that everything would be fine.

Suddenly I woke up - already stitched and piled. Parents said that I died three times. For the first time - for 5 minutes. The second time - by 12 with a little.

But the most striking was the third time. My heart stopped for 20 minutes. Doctors thought that I was the end, but the parents told them to continue to give a discharge.

Doctors said that with a probability of 98%, I will have irreversible brain damage. Now I am 25, and I am completely healthy.

3. When I was 15 years old, my uncle-schizophrenic drew me in the stomach with a kitchen knife. I tried to donate to the phone and call an ambulance, but got out halfway.

I remember the feeling as if I leave the Dark Room and go out in the sun. Panic passed, and I embraced my feeling of pure rest. I soared over the garden in which all the plants were out of the light, and I had a huge shapeless mass of all possible colors, including those whom I have never seen and I can not describe.

This mass seemed to me a friend, as if I was part of her, she was manilated and filled with pure ecstasy and understanding. Then a person, very similar to sleep from comic "Sandy man" (which I then read it), appeared in the garden and said that I could not return home, because time did not come.

I began to cry, but at the same time I had a feeling of complete understanding, as if I understood that I had to return, although I did not want. This man with tears took my hand with tears and spent back in my body, which lay in ambulance (Brother found me and called 911).

4. When my aunt was 18 years old, she once lost consciousness during an epileptic attack. Nearby there was no one.

Then my grandmother found her, and the doctors managed to pump it away.

The aunt said that was in a very bright and calm corridor. She walked aimlessly on him, until he found a massive closed door in the end.

He tried to open her with all his strength: he was told, pulled, even kicks. But nothing came out.

When she turned around, he saw that the corridor turned into intensive care. She lay on the catal, and the doctors and his nurses returned her to life. She threw the door, turned around and entered his body.

She died at the age of 42. We like to think that the door was finally opened to her.


Father told what happened to him during the operation on the open heart.

Doctors had to stop his heart for 20-30 minutes, until they pasted the mechanical valve there. At that time he was 20 years old, and he did a lot of things to be ashamed.

Pope says that after "death" was in a very dark place. He began to walk there and here, and everywhere stumbled on terrible deformed people who were scolded. He burned in horror in the corner and hid.

And here these monsters have already reached him, as he saw the late grandmother over himself. She handed her hand to him and grabbed him. In the next moment he woke up in the hospital.

Father sure it was hell. I do not know if it or not, but it convinced the dad to change his life. He became a believer and returned to the family.

6.Moy was in the hospital, and he had a stop stop. He died, but he was reanimated.

Then he once mentioned the heart surgery. Finally, my wife says: "Dad, you did not make an operation on the heart."

And he answers: "Deli. I remember how my heart pierced a diamond scepter, and it earned. "

I do not know what he meant. A few days later he died, so he would not tell.

7. For example, it should be noted that most survivors remember only emptiness or darkness, as in this story:

A year ago, I hung on a dog leash ...

All I remember about the "Great Void" (as I call it on therapeutic meetings) is nothing. It is difficult to describe, but the best word is a vacuum. There is no darkness there, nothing.

This is such a complete absence of anything that it can not be called void, because the emptiness implies the possibility of filling. It is difficult to realize its existence, because it is impossible to perceive it.

For me, clinical death - it was to look into this vacuum, but not fit into it. I had enough life enough to know about it, and not enough death to dissolve completely in it.

My inquisitive neighbor saw me through the window, broke it and cut a leash. I resisted 10 minutes and 3 days knew it out. Since then, my life has changed completely, but I still have a fear of the great emptiness - after all, once I still appear in front of her and lose.

And in order not to leave you with hard thoughts, finally will lead the most successful comment:

All these answers about the void / lack of consciousness made me reconsider my life. If there is nothing after death, and life is our only chance to feel, recognize and develop, then I would like it to mean something. I do not want to spend time back. I want to make the world at least a bit better for others before my term comes.

And then I got drove that for three hours I stick to the forum.

Did you hear about clinical death? Perhaps you even know someone who survived it?

For centuries, people wondered what awaits us after death. Is there any new world outside the life or for the last line there is nothing more? It is impossible to prove the existence of the "afterlife", but there are people who, surviving clinical death, say that they managed to "see" outside of Being.

Some describe the white light and a dark tunnel, others claim that they saw the "footage" of their lives. The users of the popular Reddit portal are divided by their stories. Believe their stories or not, everyone's case, but to learn about what people felt until the doctors tried to return them to life, definitely worth it.

"I saw all my life as in the pictures in the book"

User with Nick MonitormonKey five years ago survived clinical death during a complex operation. In essence, he died for a few minutes.

I woke up in some space where there was no light, no sound. I did not stand, did not steam, I was just there. I did not feel warm or cold, there was no feeling at all, except for realizing that somewhere there is a light emitting love. But I did not want to move towards him. I remember that I remembered my life, while in front of me as if the pages of the book were opened, which I lazily shoved. And then I woke up on the operating table. I can not say that after that "Travel" I stopped afraid of death, but now I think that there is something beyond life.

"I saw my deceased brother"

The girl with Nick Schneidah7 crashed, hitting an accident on a motorcycle. While the ambulance car, the victim did not give any signs of life. But later, the girl told that he really felt.

I remember, as lay on the sidewalk, and around everything gradually became dark and the sounds went somewhere far away. The only thing I heard is someone's voice: "Peel! Get up! Get up! " I opened my eyes and saw my brother, who sat next to me squatting and slapped me softly. It was very surprised of me: Brother died a few years ago. Noticing that I opened my eyes, he looked at the clock and said: "Do not worry, they will come soon." And then he left. After a couple of minutes, the ambulance car arrived.

"I was in the blooming garden"

Many storytellers note that they found themselves outside of life in some void. But the user with nickname IDiedForabit "lucky" to be elsewhere. His heart stopped due to overweight allergic shock. And until the doctors returned him to life, the man saw an amazing place.

It looked like a large blooming garden. At the same time I was there not one there: in the center of the pastoral picture there was a large carousel, on which a girl and a boy rode. They were absolutely happy. I felt that I could choose whether to stay here or leave. But at the same time, my attempts to return back to your body did not want to end with success. And only when I remembered my mother, realizing that I could not throw her that she would not survive it, I "allowed" to get out of the garden and return to life. Doctors said that my heart did not beat six minutes.

"I did not want to return to life"

In adolescence, the user with Nick TheredEadManwalks had to go through several chemotherapy sessions. As a result, his blood vessels were so weakened that one day his nose had blood, which could not stop. The state of the teenager began to deteriorate rapidly, in addition, an infection fell into the body. This led to clinical death.

The most amazing thing in all that happened that I did not want to go back to life. I was easily, there was no alarms. But I persistently tried to return to the body. You know, it is akin to the time the alarm clock calls, but you really don't want to get up. You switch it again and again, and he calls back again, trying to wake you up. And you understand what you need to get up. Just here. Doctors managed to return me to life, although I did not want it. Of course, now I am glad that "Risen".

"I did not see anything"

But another motorcyclist claims that I have not seen an even account, when I got into an accident and his pulse stopped for two minutes.

I just felt emptiness. There was no light, no visions. Just nothing. And then I seemed to emerge from this emptiness: it turned out that a friend managed to make my heart beat again.