S. A

Golden curls, reminiscent of ripening spikelets ... A benevolent and enthusiastic face with blue eyes that radiate light and warmth ... Constant thirst for activity, striving forward ... Unlimited love for the native land and everything connected with it ... A short but incredibly bright creative life ... Such thoughts come to mind at the mention of the poet with the brightest name - Sergei Yesenin. His works are well known to every Russian person, including those who, in principle, have little interest in poetry.

Towards creativity

His homeland is Konstantinovo, a small village in the Ryazan region. The pristine Russian nature and its indescribable beauty forever entered the heart of the boy, captivated by its greatness, early awakened in him a penchant for poetry. By the age of eighteen, the young poet already had a notebook containing his first works. Yesenin, who sent them to St. Petersburg and was confident in their early recognition, was very surprised that they never made it to the capital's magazines. Then he decides to personally go towards glory. And the memories of his home will warm his soul all his life and inspire him to new creative searches.

First collections

In St. Petersburg, the young man was greeted cordially. "Goy you, my dear Rus ..." - this and other works of Yesenin impressed Blok, Gorodetsky, and later Klyuev. His poems brought joy, sounded sincere and unique. The real fame is brought by the first collections, which are published one after another: "Radunitsa", "Dove", "Rural Hours", "Transfiguration". They are mainly composed of Yesenin's works about nature: "Bird cherry", "A month with a horn butts a cloud", "The fields are squeezed ...", "I left my dear home ..." and many others. The reader is presented with a special world in which nature is humanized and becomes the main character. Everything here is harmonious, colorful, picturesque and without the falsity peculiar to people.

Young Yesenin treats animals with trepidation and tenderness, which is most clearly manifested in the "Song of the Dog", tragically experiencing the death of just born puppies.

Unusual metaphors, epithets, comparisons caused surprise and general delight: "the darkness swam out ... like a swan", "they knit lace ... clouds" and, of course, the well-known "Rus - a crimson field".

After the revolution

At first, the poet was delighted with the changes taking place in the country. He associated with the revolution "transformation", which should go for the benefit of the people. In this period, Yesenin's works appear: "The Jordanian Dove", "The Heavenly Drummer", etc. However, very soon the tonality of the poems changes, and instead of delight, dreary notes are heard more and more often, caused by observing the changes taking place in the country - the poet increasingly sees "torn apart by a storm everyday life "- and troubles in his personal life. These sentiments were most fully reflected in the collections of the early 1920s "Confession of a Hooligan" and "Moscow Tavern". And the attitude towards him is becoming contradictory: for some he is still a singer of blue Russia, for others he is a brawler and rowdy. The same contrast can be seen in the poems of 21-24 years, including "The blue fire swept around", "I am the last poet of the village", "I do not regret, I do not call ...", "Darling, let's sit next to you" ...

"Fun" is perhaps the most famous work of Yesenin from the cycle about Moscow, conveying the thoughts and feelings of the poet. In it, he seems to sum up the life he has lived, shares his innermost with the reader.

And soon there was an acquaintance with A. Duncan and a European journey. Being far from his homeland, Sergei Alexandrovich took a fresh look at his country. Now he was full of hope and dreamed of serving the Motherland and the people. It was after the return that the poems "Dissuaded the grove ..." appear, in which autumn is associated with human life, the incredibly warm and tender "Letter to Mother".

Trip to the Caucasus

Speaking about Yesenin, one cannot but recall his "Persian motives". They were inspired by a trip to the Caucasus, where Sergei Aleksandrovich felt most keenly how dear his native places were. He expressed his feelings by contrasting the distant Persian nature to the Russian expanses - the dream of visiting this country never came true. The poems of the cycle resemble a picturesque canvas, complemented by live sounds. But love lyrics, including the most famous work of Yesenin from this cycle, "Shagane", became a real poetic masterpiece. addressed to a distant Persian woman, to whom the author told his innermost thoughts about his native Ryazan land, about the girl who remained there.

"Goodbye, my friend ..."

These words begin a poem written by the poet before his death. It looks more like an epitaph that the poet addressed to himself. Frank, born of prolonged mental anguish, this poem is, in fact, Yesenin's farewell to life and people.

The creativity of Sergei Yesenin, uniquely bright and deep, has now firmly entered our literature and enjoys great success with a large reader. The poet's poems are full of heartfelt warmth and sincerity, passionate love for the boundless expanses of his native fields, the "inexhaustible sadness" of which he was able to convey so emotionally and so loudly.

Sergei Yesenin entered our literature as an outstanding lyricist. It is in the lyrics that everything that makes up the soul of Yesenin's creativity is expressed. It contains the full-blooded, sparkling joy of a young man rediscovering wonderful world, subtly feeling the fullness of earthly charm, and the deep tragedy of a person who has remained for too long in the "narrow gap" of old feelings and views. And, if in the best poems of Sergei Yesenin there is a "flood" of the most intimate, most intimate human feelings, they are filled to the brim with the freshness of pictures of native nature, then in his other works - despair, decay, hopeless sadness. Sergei Yesenin is, first of all, a singer of Russia, and in his poems, sincere and frank in Russian, we feel the beating of a restless tender heart. They have a "Russian spirit" in them, they have a "smell of Russia." They absorbed the great traditions of national poetry, the traditions of Pushkin, Nekrasov, Blok.

Even in Yesenin's love lyrics, the theme of love merges with the theme of the Motherland. The author of "Persian Motives" is convinced of the fragility of serene happiness far from his native land. And distant Russia becomes the main heroine of the cycle: "No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, he is no better than Ryazan's expanse." Yesenin greeted the October Revolution with joy and warm sympathy. Together with Blok, Mayakovsky, he sided with her without hesitation. The works written by Yesenin at that time ("Transfiguration", "Inonia", "Heavenly Drummer") are imbued with rebellious moods. The poet is captured by the storm of the revolution, its greatness and strives for a new, for the future. In one of his works, Yesenin exclaimed: "My mother is my homeland, I am a Bolshevik!" But Yesenin, as he himself wrote, perceived the revolution in his own way, "with a peasant bias", "more spontaneously than consciously." This left a special imprint on the poet's work and largely predetermined his future path. The poet's ideas about the goal of the revolution, about the future, about socialism were characteristic. In the poem "Inonia" he portrays the future as a kind of idyllic kingdom of peasant prosperity, socialism seems to him a blissful "peasant's paradise".

Such ideas were reflected in other works of Yesenin of that time:

I see you, vicious fields,
With a herd of dun horses.
With a shepherd's pipe in the willows
Apostle Andrew wanders.

But the fantastic visions of the peasant Inonia, naturally, were not destined to come true. The revolution was led by the proletariat, the village was led by the city. "After all, this is absolutely not the kind of socialism that I thought about," - says Yesenin in one of the letters of that time. Yesenin begins to curse the "iron guest" who brings death to the patriarchal rural way of life, and to mourn the old, leaving "wooden Russia". This explains the contradictory nature of Yesenin's poetry, who has traveled a difficult path from a singer of patriarchal, impoverished, destitute Russia to a singer of socialist Russia, Lenin's Russia. After Yesenin's trip abroad and to the Caucasus, a turning point occurs in the life and work of the poet and a new period is designated. It makes him fall in love with his socialist homeland more and more strongly and appreciate everything that happens in it in a different way. "... I fell even more in love with communist construction," Yesenin wrote upon his return to his homeland in his essay "Iron Mirgorod". Already in the cycle "Hooligan's Love", written immediately upon arrival from abroad, the mood of loss and hopelessness is replaced by hope for happiness, faith in love and the future. The beautiful poem "A blue fire swept around ...", full of self-condemnation, pure and tender love, gives a clear idea of ​​the new motives in Yesenin's lyrics:

A blue fire swept around
Forgotten birthplaces.
The first time I sang about love
For the first time I renounce making a row.
I was all - like a neglected garden,
He was greedy for women and potions.
I didn't like to sing and dance
And lose your life without looking back.

Yesenin's work is one of the brightest, deeply moving pages in the history of Russian literature. The era of Yesenin has receded into the past, but his poetry continues to live, awakening a feeling of love for his native land, for everything close and different. We are worried about the sincerity and spirituality of the poet, for whom Russia was the most dear on the entire planet.

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin (1895-1925) is an outstanding Russian poet. According to literary scholars, in the early period of creativity - a representative of the new peasant poetry, later - an imagist. But these definitions are nothing more than clichés and do not reflect the true essence of his gift. For understanding, for the complete acceptance of Yesenin, one must also love the native land and all living things on it, as he did. The poet carried two characteristic features of the people throughout his short life: a very serious attitude towards himself, towards his work and mercy towards his neighbors. Poems and poems are read by Denis Semenov. The audio performance "Theater of Musical Drama" "Emelyan Pugachev", staged based on the poem "Pugachev" by Sergei Yesenin, resurrects one of the most dramatic eras Russian history ... Listen to these expressive lines, imbued with love and compassion for the oppressed people - and immerse yourself with the author and actors inspired by his poetry into the atmosphere of the greatest popular uprising of the 18th century. Screenplay and production by Denis Semenov. Roles are performed by: Pugachev - Denis Semyonov Kirpichnikov - Alexander Bychkov Karavaev - Stanislav Fedorchuk Zarubin - Alexey Gromov Khlopusha - Alexey Andreev Tvorogov - Alexey Rossoshansky ... theater actors and the Cossack folk song "Black Raven, you are my stranger friend ..." in Spanish. Alexei Rossoshansky. "Pugachev's Theme" - music and arrangement by Denis Semenov. Artistic director Denis Semyonov. Recorded in 2010. Russia. “It's already evening. Dew ... "" Where there are cabbage beds ... "" Winter sings - echoes ... "Imitation of the song. "The scarlet light of dawn was woven on the lake ..." "The flood licked the silt with smoke ..." "Under the wreath of forest chamomile ..." "Tanyusha was good, it was not more beautiful in the village ..." "The night is dark, I can't sleep ..." "Mother went to the Bather in the forest ..." "Play, play, talian, raspberry furs ..." , the cat is sleeping on a bar ... "Birch. Powder. Easter Annunciation. Good morning! Mother's prayer. Coachman. "Trinity morning, morning canon ..." "Beloved land! The heart is dreaming ... "" I will go to the skufie as a humble monk ... "" The Lord was walking to torture people in love ... "In the hut. “Along the village with a crooked path ...” “Goy you, my dear Rus ...” “I am a shepherd; my chambers ... "" My side, side ... "" The melted clay is drying ... "" The pilgrims are walking along the road ... "" You are my abandoned land ... "" Black, then smelling like howling ... " Bird cherry. "Weave a wreath for you alone ..." Evening. "There are bagels hanging on the wattle fence ..." "On a heavenly blue dish ..." "In the land where the yellow nettles ..." "I am here again, in my own family ..." "Do not wander, do not wrinkle in the crimson bushes ..." Cow. Song of the dog. Herd. "The weight and the field, and the crowing of the roosters ..." The missing month. "Behind a dark strand of forest trees ..." Autumn. "Hides the month behind the barns ..." "Over the mountains, behind the yellow valleys ..." "The lights are burning across the river ..." Grandfather. "A white scroll and a scarlet sash ..." "The mountain ash turned red, the water turned blue ..." "Clouds from the foal ..." Fox. Singing call. Comrade. "Oh Rus, flap your wings ..." "Wake me up early tomorrow ..." "The fields are squeezed, the groves are bare ..." "About arable land, arable land, arable land ..." "Oh, I believe, there is happiness! .." ... "" Open to me, the transcendental guardian ... "" Here it is, stupid happiness ... "" I will look in the field, I will look into the sky ... "Transfiguration. Jordanian dove. Heavenly drummer. "Green hairstyle ..." "I left my dear home ..." "Well, under the autumn freshness ..." "Golden foliage began to spin ..." Cantata. Mare ships. Hooligan. Sorokoust. Confession of a bully. Wolf's death. “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry ....” “Do not swear. Such a thing! .. "" All living things are celebrated with a special meth from an early time ... "" Yes! It has now been decided. Without a return ... "" I will not deceive myself ... "" I have only one fun left ... "" A blue fire swept around ... "" You are so simple as everyone else ... " Poem about 36 Homecoming. Soviet Russia. Leaving Russia. Lenin. Letter to a woman. Letter from mother. Answer. Letter to grandfather. Letter to mother. Pushkin. “The golden grove dissuaded…” “I asked the money changer today…” “You are mine, Shagane, Shagane! ..” “Being a poet means the same…” “There are such doors in Khorassan…” Captain of the land. The tale of Pete the shepherd boy, his commissioner and the cow kingdom. A letter to my sister. My way. Black man. "Dawn calls to another ..." "Untold, blue, gentle ..." To Katchalov's dog. "Well, kiss me, kiss ..." On the back of the cap ... "" Above the window a month. The wind is under the window ... "" Life is a deception with enchanting melancholy ... "To Sister Shura. “Oh, you sleigh! And horses, horses! .. "" Do you hear - the sleigh is racing ... "" You are my fallen maple, icy maple ... "" What a night! I can not. I can't sleep… ”“ You don’t love me, you don’t regret… ”“ Maybe late, maybe too early… ”“ Goodbye, my friend, goodbye… ”Anna Snegina (poem). Emelyan Pugachev... Further